Today a parcel arrived with copies of Dark Flood. It's so exciting to have a dream of writing a book and for it to actually become.... a real book!
Are you a reader of stories? How do you choose what you read? I've always loved going into bookshops, libraries, the heap of books at the school fair, or even looking at the books on a friend's shelf, seeing the covers, reading the first few lines and thinking, 'yes, I want to enter this world.'
And of course I judge a book by its cover! A great cover makes you want to pick the book up and helps you get a feel for the story.I think Dark Flood has a great cover by Hannah Peck. I hope you'll think so too.
I can't wait for the book to be available in book shops. It'll be on the 4th of July. I don't think much else is happening that day...